Particulars |
Amount (In Rs.) |
A |
School Fee : |
i |
Composite Fee (per month) (inclusive of the Tuition Fee) |
10350 |
ii |
Composite Fee (If paid quarterly) - 10350 x 3 = 31050/- |
31050 |
B |
Cambridge International Curriculum Fee : |
i |
Composite Fee (per month) (inclusive of the Tuition Fee) |
10350 |
ii |
Composite Fee (If paid quarterly) - 10350 x 3 = 31050/- |
31050 |
iii |
Additional Annual charges (to be paid in two installment of Rs.7500/- each in the month of April and October) |
15000 |
C |
Optional Fee Components : |
i |
Charges for the optional activities offered (Annual): |
As per actuals |
Swimming / Cricket Academy/ Soccer Academy / Skating Academy / Tennis Academy |
ii |
Lab Charges (for Science Students of XI & XII) (Annual): |
4500 |
iii |
Transport Fee (for Air-conditioned buses and for all the users) |
Greater Noida West Area (Per Month) |
3400 |
Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, lndirapuram and Dadri Area (Per Month) |
3800 |
D |
Compulsory Fee Components for New Admissions : |
Non-Refundable Fees (i & ii) |
i |
Registration Fee |
1000 |
ii |
Admission Fee (One Time Fee) (To be paid at the time of admission only) |
50000 |
Notes :- |
1. One month notice is to be given or the composite fee and bus fee for one month in case the withdrawal of student from the school & transport. |
2. Fee may be paid through any one of the ways as given below: |
i. In the drop box placed at the school Gate No.-02 by Cheque / Demand Draft. |
ii. Online payment through School website (www.dpskpv.com) using the Parent Login button. |